Balling’s Bits

Why OmniOS for All-in-One Server

Moving from a Synology NAS storage solution to a white box All-in-One server, I wanted an operating system that had mature support for ZFS Sun Microsystem’s Zetta File System, which narrowed choices down to OpenSolaris derivatives (OpenIndiana, Illumos, OmniOS) or FreeBSD (though the ZFS-on-Linux port is getting there).

I have 15 years experience with Linux, but am an absolute noob on Solaris. I knew I wanted an easy-to-use web-interface for administering the storage part of the server, and a lot of people are really happy with napp-it by Günther Alka (AKA gea), and the preferred OS for napp-it was OmniOS. The fact that OmniOS has a JeOS (just enough OS) approach and that Theo Schlossnagle (founder of OmniTI) comes across as someone who knows his sh*t made the choice easy.

The main features of OmniOS are:

  • ZFS
    • Unmatched data integrity (checksums protect against data degradation)
    • Very cheap snapshots (due to copy-on-write nature of ZFS)
    • Integrated NFS and SMB sharing
    • Support for raw volumes (to host virtual machines)
    • Consistent and easy backup (via snapshots)
    • Storage scalability matching my needs (3-way mirror VDEVs)
  • Crossbow (network virtualization)
  • Zones
    • Secure isolation of services with zero overhead
  • QEMU/KVM support
    • Virtual Machines

I went with r151006 which was the Long-Tail Support (LTS) at the time (April 2014). With respect to drivers there were no issues with the hardware I had, but driver support was a bit behind something like e.g. Linux (e.g. r151006 did not have support for LSI SAS3 HBAs).

How to Apply CPU Thermal Paste

Considering the cost of good thermal paste and the tediousness of properly removing/re-applying it, I wanted to get this right the first time when I build my new server. The heat sink I used came with thermal paste pre-applied, but since the motherboard was dead-on-arrival, I needed to re-apply it when putting the CPU in the replacement motherboard.

Searching the internet led to this test of thermal paste application methods by Puget Systems. Their conclusion was that a simple X-shaped application to the CPU gives the best performance (fewest air-bubbles, lowest temperature). This turns out to be very similar to Cisco’s recommendation for thermal paste.

All-in-One Server Hardware

I decided to build a brand new white box All-in-One server after being a happy Synology (DS1511+) user for a couple of years. I needed more drives, the ability to run virtual machines, integration of my perimeter firewall on the server, and transition from RAID5 to a more secure file system (ZFS).

I build the server using these components:

Unfortunately, X-Case initially sent me the wrong chassis (RM424s, a short version which did not accommodate the motherboard). Also the motherboard (from Jacob Electronik) was dead-on-arrival. After having quickly resolved those issues, the server has been running smooth ever since (6 months).


Her opskriften på pandekager.

Ingredienser (til ca. 15 pandekager á 20 cm i diameter):

  • 230 g hvedemel
  • 3 tsk. sukker
  • ½ tsk. kardemomme
  • 2 æg
  • 4.5 dL mælk
  • 30 g smør (til stegning)

Fremgangsmåde: Rør mel, sukker og kardemomme sammen. Tilsæt æg og lidt mælk (1 dL) og rør dejen godt sammen. Tilsæt resten af mælken, rør sammen og bag på pande (ca 1 minut på hver side på stort blus sat på 6 til 7).


Her opskriften på Jeffrey Hamelmans fuldkornsrugbrød med hørfrø (læs rugbrød) fra bogen Jeffrey Hamelman: Bread.

Ingredienser (til 2 rugbrød):

  • Surdej:
    • 900 g fuldkornsrugmel
    • 900 g vand
    • 40 g surdejskultur
  • Rugkerner:
    • 720 g skårne rugkerner
    • 720 g vand (kogende hvis der anvendes knækkede rugkerner)
  • Hørfrø:
    • 120 g hørfrø
    • 300 g vand
  • Dej (til 1 rugbrød da min KitchenAid ikke kan klare mere ad gangen):
    • 870 g surdej
    • 700 g udblødte rugkerner
    • 210 g udblødte hørfrø
    • 22 g salt
    • 20 g vand
    • 20 g gær
    • 340 g rugmel
    • 1 rugbrødsform + lidt olie til smøring

Fremgangsmåde: Rør surdejskulturen ud i vand, tilsæt rugmel og rør sammen. Stil til hævning et lunt sted (21-22 grader) i cirka 14 til 16 timer. Surdejen skal være hævet og lugte surt.

Et par timer før dejen laves stilles rugkerner og hørfrø i blød i koldt vand (hvis der anvendes knækkede rugkerner, så brug kogende vand).

Dejen samles ved at blande surdej, udblødte rugkerner og hørfrø, salt, vand og gær i en rørmaskine. Til sidst tilsættes rugmelet og dejen røres godt sammen.

Dejen fordeles i formen og sættes til hævning et lunt sted (28-30 grader) i 50-60 minutter.

Rugbrødene bages 15 minutter ved 245 grader, derefter 1 time ved 195 grader hvorefter de tages ud af formen og bages yderligere 15 minutter ved 195 grader. Ialt halvanden time i ovnen.